In this Knowledge Area you will find a list of
useful published knowledge and
insights from Nobel Mantrich Strategy Institute on: Business
Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Strategic Analysis, Strategic Design
and Strategic Implementation. You can browse through the material and
choose knowledge according to your area of interest:
is it that Many Strategic Plans Fail?
Why is
it that successful strategies are rarely developed as a result of
formal planning processes? Why is it that the planning frameworks
managers use so often yield disappointing results? What is wrong
with strategy or the way most companies go about developing it?
Nobel Mantrich Strategy Institute believes that Strategy is more
about insights than about plans. Strategy development is the process
of discovering and understanding insights and should not be confused
with planning, which is about turning insights into action. The
answer is not new planning processes, better designed plans, or more
effort. The answer is for managers to understand two
fundamentals--the benefit of having a well-articulated and stable
purpose and the importance of discovering, understanding,
documenting, and exploiting insights about how to create value.
Advantage of Strategy
Today's dynamic markets and technologies have called into question
the sustainability of competitive advantage. Under pressure to
improve productivity, quality, and speed, managers have embraced
tools such as TQM, benchmarking, and reengineering. Dramatic
operational improvements have resulted, but rarely have these gains
translated into sustainable profitability. And gradually, the tools
have taken the place of strategy. As managers push to improve on all
fronts, they move further away from viable competitive positions.
Operational effectiveness, although necessary to superior
performance, is not sufficient, because its techniques are easy to
imitate. In contrast, the essence of strategy is choosing a unique
and valuable position rooted in systems of activities that are much
more difficult to match.
“All successful companies are successful in the same way.
All unsuccessful companies are unsuccessful in different ways.”
Adapted from Leo Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina”