►Read about our
Executive Education Programs for Marketing in Service Organisations.....
Executive Education Programs for Marketing in Services Organisations
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executive education programs in the marketing of services help
develop leaders who can implement practical strategies to drive
profitable services growth and gain specialised skills in
customer-centric leadership within services.
We offer specialised courses in:
MoS EP1 |
Competing through the Professional Marketing of Service Organisations |
MoS EP2 |
Understanding and Conducting Research on Customers within the Service
Industry |
MoS EP3 |
Creating Processes and Designing the Frame on which Service Delivery would
be Based |
MoS EP4 |
Monitoring and Controlling the Service Delivery Process through the
Appropriate Use of the Service Delivery Scorecard |
Developing the Right Enablers that would ensure success at the "Moment of
Truth" Stage of the Service Delivery Process |
MoS EP6 |
Ensuring what "We Promise - We Deliver" - Managing Service Marketing
Communications Strategies |
The Nobel Mantrich
Services Marketing Center
The Center is one
of the leading pioneers in research, consulting and training within
marketing as applied specifically to the service industry. Our
Center has established itself as a recognised authority on how to
compete strategically and develop marketing leadership through the
profitable use of services.
What makes us
unique is our association with research, consulting and training
institutions in various parts of the world within the services
marketing field. Although the theorical base is important, our
priority is to apply what really works in services marketing to the
real world of business.
The Center's
success is due to our partnership with the business community. Our
consultants, trainers, partner organisations and client
organisations provide us with valuable insights into the challenges
that firms face in the services arena. We partner with our community
and the Center's Members on research and projects in a "real world"
context that keeps our message practical and vital. We synergise
across industries and functions with companies, institutions and
experts who can help each other find new important methods to
compete through service.
Becoming a Member of the Nobel Mantrich Services Marketing Center
would enable you to benefit from:
Cross-industry networking and benchmarking opportunities
Obtain the exclusive opportunity to have the Center develop and
conduct customised executive education and problem focused research
Obtain priority registration at special member rates for the
Center's annual education programs
Access the latest research, trends and information on the effective
marketing and management of services.
Contact the Nobel
Mantrich Services Marketing Center to become a Member..... |
►Learn about the
Tenets of our Services Marketing Center.....
The Tenets of Nobel Mantrich Services Marketing
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We base the Mission of Nobel Mantrich Services Marketing Center on
the following Four Tenets:
customer‑oriented organizations are the appropriate models for
leaders and managers to emulate.
Customers desire service quality and service
value and firms that deliver
quality and value will achieve competitive parity (if not
competitive advantage) in their industries.
technologies will continue to profoundly affect the nature of
services offerings.
Due to the
characteristics of services (intangibility, heterogeneity,
simultaneous production & consumption, perishability), managers of service
organizations face unique challenges in delivering quality and value
to consumers.
►Read more about
our approach to Services Marketing Education.....
Our Approach to Services Marketing Education
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content of the services marketing course
also provides a particularly conducive
setting for learning critical skills identified in our Training Needs
Analysis stage with the Client. The development of the field of services
marketing and many of its concepts have been cross‑functional from the
outset. Many of the issues in services marketing have multiple roots and
multiple solutions that span traditional functional boundaries.
Thus by “experiencing” the content of the
services marketing course,
participants gain an appreciation for cross‑functional influences
and interdependencies.
For example, it is simply not possible to understand the design and
delivery of service offerings without developing some understanding of
disciplines such as operations and human resources, which are outside the
traditional boundaries of the marketing function. By learning about the
challenges of delivering service offerings in real time (frequently
through interpersonal interactions between customers and front line
employees), participants quickly begin to see the relevance of teamwork
and effective “servant” leadership.
Read more..... |
Executive Program in Marketing of Services
content of the next Executive Program in Marketing of Services
is focused on getting participants to learn how to lead and manage
successful service organizations by delivering quality services to
the marketplace within a dynamic environment. The core of the course
is structured around understanding and developing strategies to
address four key content areas adapted from the service quality gap
model. These four areas are described below.
Closing Gap 1: Understanding Customer Expectations and Perceptions
The course is based on understanding consumers’ expectations and perceptions of
services. Participants learn how consumers’ expectations (the standards of
performance against which service experiences are compared) are formed, how they
change and what firms can do to influence expectations. They also explore
customer perceptions of service quality and how the interactions between
customers and firms (service encounters) affect perceived value and quality.
Not knowing what customers expect is often a key
cause of a firm’s failure to deliver service quality. Participants need to learn
the appropriate research tools for understanding customers’ service expectations
as well as approaches for understanding and managing current customer
Closing Gap 2: Specifying Service Standards and Offerings
A recurring theme in service organizations such
as yours is the difficulty experienced in translating customer expectations into
service concepts, service designs and specific standards for service delivery.
The intangibility, heterogeneity and perishability of services make these tasks
particularly challenging. Participants learn to develop customer‑defined (rather
than company‑defined) service standards, to understand the role of service
leaders and to apply specific tools (e.g., service blueprinting) for designing
and positioning intangibles in order to address these critical issues.
Closing Gap 3: Delivering Service
Even when guidelines exist for performing services well and treating customers
correctly, high quality service performance is not a certainty. To address this
problem, participants need to learn about human resource issues in service
firms. These include: selecting service‑oriented people; designing strategies
for empowering service workers; and implementing training programs and reward
structures linked to service quality. Understanding the impact of intermediaries
and defining the role of customers in creating service outcomes are also
critical issues in delivering quality service.
Closing Gap 4: Communicating with Customers
Promises made by a service organization through its advertising, sales force and
other forms of communication may potentially raise customer expectations beyond
what can actually be delivered. In this instance, participants explore how
pricing, physical evidence, service guarantees, and other forms of communication
(as well as the nature of the interfunctional communication between marketing
and operations groups) can have a significant effect on customer expectations of
service quality.
Through exposure to the frameworks and strategies that relate to the four core
areas described above, we believe participants will have the substantive content
they need to lead and manage effective service organizations. Throughout the
course, they are learning critical new content and ways of viewing traditional
marketing content that will be required for effective leaders of the future.
Most participants are inherently interested in services marketing because of
their personal experiences as service consumers and providers. We integrate such
an “active learning” approach very effectively into the services marketing
course since participants’ past services experiences allow them to construct new
knowledge fairly easily based on existing situations within your company.
Learn more on our
training methods.....
Individual Sessions
The above complete Executive Program can also be broken down into separate
modules and each module can be taken individually according to the requirements
of the company. Example of Course Sessions (eg. half-day each session)
What is so special about the
Marketing of Services?
Listening to Services
Requirements – Understanding Service Customer Expectations
Marketing Research in Services
Building Customer Relationships
in Services
Designing the Right Service
Format – Building a Service Blueprint Map and KPIs
Delivering to Chosen Service
Format – The Moment of Truth – Aligning Staff, Customer and Technology
Matching Service Performance to
Promises – The 16 Winning Steps to Integrating Services Marketing
Contact our Center for further
information about this course.....
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