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Training Services   þ Training Program style:


Our Nobel Mantrich training programs are designed and taught by accredited trainers who are impassioned experts with outstanding credentials and leading authorities in their respective fields. As board members, consultants, field researchers, and entrepreneurs themselves, they have an immeasurable wealth of real-world expertise. They also are recognised experts in family business, strategy, global marketing, services marketing and strategic marketing issues—and maintain relationships with leading companies and industry leaders around the world.

Nobel Mantrich Trainers possess rare insight into owning and running a business because most of them have been through the experience themselves. And, all have been carefully chosen for their proven abilities to work with company owners and CEOs. As a participant, you have the opportunity to draw upon their experience and discuss relevant topics with them in-depth.

Nobel Mantrich leverages their business expertise and field-based research to create new knowledge and enduring concepts that shape the practice of management. The result is a trainer and facilitator that exposes participants to uniquely different perspectives and challenges their thinking on multiple levels.

Linking Theory to Practice

We must take more seriously the growing evidence that real learning is ultimately an interactive process between people that occurs at the place of practice, such as at the place of work. Ideas are not enough. Until those ideas are embedded in the daily routines of participants they have not really been "learned." And the evidence is mounting that this final embedding occurs best "on the job" so to speak and in the actual social context in which work is done. The fact that our Nobel Mantrich programs are designed to be followed whilst still retaining employment and leadership responsibilities contributes significantly to this “embedding”. In a sense, one can say that this close interrelationship between practice and theory is THE fundamental way of learning and mentoring. Rather than being an option in career development, it is a necessity.

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Practical Training

Embedding Knowledge, Practice & Attitude
Customising & Localising

Nobel Mantrich training programs call for a high level of delegate participation. The primary feature of these programs is analysis and discussion of real-life examples involving practical top decision making. The trainers  supplement the casework with frameworks for decision analysis and summaries of key material. Formal lectures are normally avoided.

Sessions are supported with extensive material for subsequent self-study but the priority throughout is on discussion and the exchange of ideas. On these programs, there is extensive syndicate group analysis of practical problems. The trainer helps participants to apply the lessons of the program to their own organisation, and encourage the sharing of experiences with peer group members. Participants are advised to remain free of outside responsibilities during their stay on such programme. Within this removed, charged, and challenging setting, you are free to totally focus on what really drives your business and its success—you.

Experiential learning is what we promote. Therefore climate is important. Operating norms are mutually developed during the first session. We also take stock of the participants’ individual goals regarding the course. To establish a baseline, we have each member define the topic as they currently understand it. This is reviewed at the termination of the program and becomes one of the measures of learning.

These “Active Learning” methods have repeatedly demonstrated increased critical thinking skills, positive relationships, deeper level understanding, and much more. In addition, most participants enjoy the active role they play in the session, have fun in the process, learn more, take responsibility for their own learning and the learning of others, and develop meaningful friendships which encourage and motivate them in their daily work and in their personal lives.

The Nobel Mantrich Institute approach to management learning outlined here provides a lively and stimulating mix of material which encourages participants to think, reflect and apply, as well as to learn.





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