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Global Emerging Giants Network:                          A Single Point of Reference for Emerging Giants


GEGN's Global Network


Global Emerging Giants Network is the centre for Privately Controlled Groups (PCGs) from around the world. It is a global network. It is the single point of reference. It is a place where knowledge and resources about the effective running of such Groups can be found. This makes it a highly focused organisation that addresses the needs of privately controlled conglomerates from emerging countries who want to reach global leadership.




Besides its own external forum, GEGN has its internal network where PCG leaders can discuss their concerns, place their queries and share knowledge for international best practice in this area. It is a source from where professionals working on behalf of such groups, be it CEOs, financiers, owners, partners, key investors, senior managers and consultants can obtain assistance with their respective PCG problems.



Emerging Giant Diagnostics

þ Balancing Owner Needs to Business Needs


GEGN is focused on solving problems for large diversified family businesses located in emerging markets. This implies complex, multidisciplinary issues, each in its own way unusual and ground breaking. In addition to its diagnostic and advisory services, GEGN is a professional training network developing and delivering management training programmes and services.


 GEGN ensures continued professional development in the practice of internationalisation, strategy and people management within privately controlled emerging country conglomerates. In summary, the organisation's main objective is to align owner/partner needs to the business and business needs to the owner/partner to ensure sustainable growth and equity for future generations.










• Join our GEGN External Forum

• Watch out for our next workshops for emerging multinationals in Europe, Asia, Middle East and Latin America.

• Find out about our specialised services for Emerging Giants in the area of Corporate Strategy and International Marketing.

Learn how to professionally develop your next generation into the business within an influential diversified group facing huge competitive challenges in the international marketplace.



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